Ugh Real Life

This post will feature a rare appearance of my Non-Horsey Life. Mostly because that’s been busy lately. Sorry, horse.

Francis got Thursday off to Be A Horse after our great lesson on Wednesday so that his mom could go see Riverdance. Did anyone else grow up with a weird crush on Michael Flatley from Lord of the Dance and Riverdance? And watch it endlessly on VHS? I know I’m not alone in this. They came to my area and my work wife and I HAD to go to celebrate our friendiversary and OMG IT WAS AMAZING EVERYONE NEEDS TO GO. There were dance battles and suspenders and a passionate fiddler and I’ve been tap dancing down every hallway since then. Seriously, go.

We will both be quitting our jobs to join the cast.

I actually managed to make it out to the barn on Friday! And my heart grew three sizes that day. I almost cried. Because when I went out to get Frankie and saw that he was at the other end of the field, I started trudging out to get him. I usually call his name while I’m walking to get him, mostly so I can disturb his eating so he can feel bad about making me walk that far.

But this time I called his name. He picked his head up to see who was yelling. His big old donkey ears perked up. And he immediately galloped up to me.

Oh. My. Gosh. HE DOES LOVE ME!!!! Or he thinks I have food. OR HE LOVES ME!!!! I’ve never had a horse actually come when called and it was Magical with a capital M.

And then I rode him and he was a very good boy and I figured out how to more consistently and accurately ask for haunches-in and shoulder-in and blah blah blah he’s a very good boy and we love him very much.

I didn’t get any pics of him that day, so enjoy us both looking off into the distance in an inspiring way

And that was the last time I saw Frankie for the whole weekend. I don’t think I’ve had a horseless weekend in MONTHS. Do not like. But it was necessary…

…because Roommate and I are moving!

Very unexpectedly. About a week ago (while I was at Loudoun), roommate called and told me that repairing the water damage from the flood in our apartment a few weeks ago was going to be SO extensive that we should probably just leave. She is a gorgeous amazing creature who is more organized and efficient than I could ever hope to be, and one week later we got the keys to our new place.

new_apartment view
Not the view from our porch, but the view from the communal grilling area. Well done, roomie.

We’re really happy with it- more natural light, great location, two full bathrooms so we don’t have to share a shower, gorgeous pool. All sorts of good things. And it’s basically across the street so we don’t have to move far!

But GAWD moving is the worst. It’s dusty and sweaty and packing is hard and unpacking is hard and I genuinely want to burn half of the crap I’ve managed to collect over the years. Just burn it. Or like, leave the door unlocked and hope a burglar targets us. That would be super convenient. Please someone take this off my hands.

We’re also kinda spreading out the move a bit- we got a ton done yesterday, but we don’t have a Uhaul to get the furniture over until Thursday. This makes unpacking anything almost impossible, but we’re procrastinating.

Mostly because Manfriend and his very-strong-furniture-moving-muscles have been in the Mojave for the last two weeks, and he doesn’t get back until Tuesday. When he left, we weren’t even talking about moving. So this will be a fun little surprise for him.

Welcome back from the desert, darling! Now please move all my junk.

Roommate and I plan to let the big strong devil dogs handle the big stuff. My contribution that day will be pizza and a cold six-pack.

So yeah. Real life has been a bit hectic lately and Francis has gotten a very light workload. He’ll probably only see me a couple times this week as we finish the move, and we’ll get back into bootcamp mode next week. I hate to lose any momentum coming off our show, but such is life I suppose.

TL;DR: everyone needs to go see Riverdance, Francis is the sweetest, moving is the actual worst, and I’m not a very fun girlfriend.

22 thoughts on “Ugh Real Life

  1. Hillary H. 06/27/2016 / 9:28 am

    Moving is the pits. But now that our stuff is in our house we are so much happier. I imagine you’ll feel the same.

    Does your bit slide out of keepers like Jenns does? I’ve never set mine up like you have yours and always have the keeper higher on the cheek piece when using a full cheek so that it actually holds the bit up right. The way it is you could just use a D and no keepers and probably get the same effect 🙂

    Hope moving goes well!


    • hellomylivia 06/27/2016 / 10:36 am

      It’ll definitely be a HUGE relief to get all the stuff moved! This must be the season, I know a whole bunch of bloggers changing houses. At least we can all commiserate 🙂


  2. Lauren 06/27/2016 / 10:11 am

    There is nothing better than having your horse canter up to you in the field!


  3. EquiNovice 06/27/2016 / 10:14 am

    ugggh moving is horrendous- but a good way to streamline possessions!
    When my creature runs to me from out in the field my heart does the same thing (even if he is just trying to escape bugs or get more noms) Irrelevant! He ran to me! ❤ Frankie totally loves you.


    • hellomylivia 06/27/2016 / 10:38 am

      I’m throwing out SO much stuff and man oh man it is super cathartic. Silver lining!
      Yes it is love! Those other factors are definitely irrelevant.


  4. Liz 06/27/2016 / 10:20 am

    Lawlz to the “welcome back now move my stuff”. Yay for a horse who knows you exist and wants to be near you!!


    • hellomylivia 06/27/2016 / 10:39 am

      I was happy enough with him holding still for me to go get him, so this whole coming-to-me thing is like WOAH


  5. Centered in the Saddle 06/27/2016 / 11:14 am

    Uggh moving stinks! I’m in the midst of a very prolonged move that won’t be complete for another 3 weeks or so…it’s pretty inconvenient having my things split between two places.

    Also, if that burglar wants to come and take half my stuff, too, that’d be great. Or we can have a giant bonfire. I’ll bring plenty of kindling.


    • hellomylivia 06/27/2016 / 1:15 pm

      Oh my gosh one week feel torturous, I can’t imagine having to deal with this for 3 weeks! Sending major positive vibes your way. I’ll contact the fire department for permitting so we can get this bonfire going. Everyone is invited.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Heather 06/27/2016 / 11:43 am

    I definitely bribe my cookie monster of a horse with the good cookies every time I get him out of his pasture so now he comes to me nickering and I tell myself it’s because he loves me. We’re moving at the end of the month and I’m sort of just pretending it isn’t happening.


    • hellomylivia 06/27/2016 / 1:16 pm

      Hunger is just a form of love, right??
      I can get on board with that approach. I didn’t pack a single thing until literally the day of. I can’t say it’s been the MOST effective strategy, but ehhhhhhh


  7. carey 06/27/2016 / 1:59 pm

    Ugh, moving the worst. But enjoying a nice new place is fun!


  8. CallyJumps 06/27/2016 / 2:51 pm

    Mine still won’t come to me in a field–the Queen requires that you come to her 😛 Moving is indeed The Worst. We’ve been contemplating buying something bigger, but the idea of moving alone is almost enough discouragement. Ugh.


    • hellomylivia 06/28/2016 / 8:31 am

      I was honestly hoping to stay in our tiny cave of an apartment for the next 10 years just so we wouldn’t have to move….stupid water damage.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Micaylah 06/27/2016 / 4:55 pm

    I did my fair share of moving last year and few years prior so the break is very nice! I don’t want to move from my place just because I hate moving so much


    • hellomylivia 06/28/2016 / 8:32 am

      Amen to that! I lasted a year and a half in my place, and that’s the longest I’ve lived anywhere since I left for college. I’m over it.


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