Viva Carlos Blog Hop- My Cubicle

Thank you L. for the blog hop! Fun to see everyone’s non-horsey home away from home. Here’s mine!

When entering, you get the full sense that you’re going into some weirdo nerd’s office/lair:


In my defense, most of those signs were gifts. Not sure what it says about me that people know how much I’ll giggle at them…


We then move on to the majestic shelving unit full of who-knows-what. A bunch of binders (most are empty and just there to look legit), a water bottle someone left here a couple weeks ago, Ramen for emergencies, and like 4 mugs/bottles that I never use. Also a sequined American top hat, because why not??


Over in that corner is my pride and joy: the most comfortable chair in the world. I unashamedly take naps there during my lunch breaks, and people will take any excuse to have meetings in my office so they can sit in it. It is magical. It brings people together. This thing could end wars. You can also see my SUPER professional painting that I made at a paint night, and a bulletin board full of pics of my family. And an exercise ball that just kinda lives here and only sees use as a footrest when I’m sitting in the Magic Chair.


Then we have my secondary desk over on this wall, where I keep necessities like tissues, highlighters, and ALL MY PAPERWORK. Honestly everything I do is on the computer, but I do take tons of notes on paper and I like to keep them organized by topic in those file folders. I also like to sit here to eat lunch when I’m feeling antisocial/sleepy/working through lunch. I’m also a total baller that likes to publicize the results of my last performance review so people can hold me accountable for working on my weaknesses (I realize that having a weakness in content knowledge sounds terrible…but I swear it’s not as bad as it sounds).

office_real desk

The crowning glory: where I spend all day erry day! That white board hasn’t been updated in roughly a year, I have no idea how to use the phone, and those post-its mostly contain useful information such as traced sketches of cartoon dogs. It’s usually in the standing position unless I’ve just eaten lunch and am too full to stand. Because like a child, I have no concept of eating til full. I eat until stuffed. The database that I’m constantly playing not pictured because, well, confidentiality and all that.


So there you have it, my full-to-the-brim tiny little office that I love! Tons of maps, a gazillion lamps, and as much personality as I can infuse into the space. My boss is right across the hall too, so a side bonus is that I can yell across the hall when I get stuck. He loves that.

*Bonus points if you can spy my barn bag complete with crop sticking up hiding in the corner

27 thoughts on “Viva Carlos Blog Hop- My Cubicle

  1. Jenn 08/05/2015 / 10:32 am

    First, you can only be considered a legit employee if you have empty binders on a shelf. How do you think I get by?
    Second, we have the same Nalgene water bottle. Because, we’re the same. Obvi.
    Third, that chair looks absolutely magical and I want to sit in it. Although, I’m not sure how productive I’d be if I did. So there’s that.
    Fourth, I’m totes jealous of your lights. Shine on, girlfriend. (pun intended) 🙂


    • hellomylivia 08/05/2015 / 10:37 am

      I think the empty binders really create an air of competence. That’s my theory, anyways. Twins 4ever. That’s the one big problem with the chair- I never get to sit in it during the day because as soon as I do, all productivity goes out the window. I am the Lamp Queen 🙂


  2. Lauren 08/05/2015 / 10:37 am

    All of these cool work places make me super jealous!


    • hellomylivia 08/05/2015 / 10:38 am

      It’s taken a couple years to spruce it up, but it’s definitely gotten more comfortable! A little cramped, but cozy 🙂


  3. carey 08/05/2015 / 11:25 am

    Looks quite cozy and homey! I don’t think I’d mind spending the majority of my day in a space like that.


  4. Nicole Sharpe 08/05/2015 / 11:30 am

    I’m getting really jealous of everyone’s offices and, more importantly, REAL JOBS. Why the fuck am I doing this degree? WTH.


  5. DIY Horse Ownership 08/05/2015 / 12:11 pm

    Your office looks great. I wish I could have my own office. It’s really nice that you’re allowed to decorate like that too.


    • hellomylivia 08/05/2015 / 12:25 pm

      I’m definitely very fortunate to work in a casual office, no one seems to mind when I hang outlandish stuff on the walls 🙂


  6. Susan 08/05/2015 / 12:21 pm

    I have the same phone. I don’t know how to use mine, either 🙂


    • hellomylivia 08/05/2015 / 12:25 pm

      I’ve finally figured out how to call other extensions within the building (after 2 full years of working here). Progress!


    • hellomylivia 08/06/2015 / 7:51 am

      Haha I have my mini-horse collection at home, I’ll have to bring a couple of them in 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  7. emma 08/06/2015 / 9:26 am

    i love how cozy and ‘you’ it is – like it could almost be a room in your house


    • hellomylivia 08/06/2015 / 9:51 am

      Thank you! I figure I spend most of my waking hours here, I may as well try to make is as appealing as possible!


      • laurelashtonw 08/07/2015 / 5:04 pm

        Nothing wrong with that! What do you do?


      • hellomylivia 08/07/2015 / 5:16 pm

        I work in the research department at a quantitative consulting company. Lots of statistics, coding, and data analysis. It’s absolute dork heaven haha

        Liked by 1 person

    • hellomylivia 08/07/2015 / 5:04 pm

      That chair is actual sorcery and makes everything better 😊


  8. Courtney 08/10/2015 / 9:42 am

    I’m jealous of your office. The first thought I had when I saw that hat is that it was a thinking hat, and I back this up by the fact I had thoughts upon viewing it.


    • hellomylivia 08/12/2015 / 8:29 am

      How did you know it was a thinking hat?! Because that’s exactly what it is.


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