HITS Video: First High Round

Things are a little hectic around here and I will have some cool news to share soon, but in the meantime enjoy this video of our first round in the Highs at HITS!

I clearly didn’t make all the right decisions here. I was so used to having to boot him up to the jumps that all of a sudden he was carrying me and WHOOPS GONNA CHIP TO EVERYTHING. I need to remember that Homeboy is more fit and more educated now and needs support, not squeezing.

This was our first true time competing at this height (like I said once before, McDonogh was set VERY forgivingly and likely not true to height) and I couldn’t be happier with how Francis did. He has to deal with his ammy mom making tons of mistakes but he does it all with his little ears perked up and just trucks around. Worth his weight in gold, this horse.

Our next outing will be Upperville- just for the weekend- where we will do the 1.10m/1.15m classes. Can’t wait!

15 thoughts on “HITS Video: First High Round

  1. Amanda C 05/24/2017 / 10:15 am

    That is a very happy and game Frankfurter.


  2. KC Scott 05/25/2017 / 9:34 am

    That looked great! And what, you’re not supposed to chip to every fence? Says who?


    • hellomylivia 05/25/2017 / 9:46 am

      Thank you!! Considering we used to take the flyer every time, I think we maybe over-corrected… Someday we’ll get to the right spots!


  3. Heather 05/25/2017 / 12:01 pm

    Imperfect distances aside, that looked great! You guys are making much more intentional decisions it looks like, and making a wrong decision is still one step closer to making lots of good ones! He looks so fun these days.


    • hellomylivia 05/25/2017 / 12:06 pm

      You’re exactly right- they may not be the RIGHT decisions, but at least they’re active decisions. Getting closer and closer to those right decisions! His extra pep is SO much fun omg. He’s a total blast to take out.


  4. Liz 05/26/2017 / 5:25 am

    Frankie go FAST


  5. carey 06/05/2017 / 10:44 am

    Woot. I am behind, but I am catching up now. Great round! Really nice. Sometimes Cosmo changes it up on me, too and takes me to the fences. It really messes with my game, man.


    • hellomylivia 06/05/2017 / 1:57 pm

      Just as I was getting used to squeezing to the base, he up and got a motor. C’mon dude.


  6. Tracy - Fly On Over 06/19/2017 / 3:32 pm

    Maybe I’m weird, but I kind of love to see the moments where we make amateur mistakes, but our horses help us out anyways. It just warms my heart!


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