Tentative Summer Show Schedule

OK gang, we have a tentative plan for the rest of show season.

I was originally planning on doing Loudoun Benefit, but then heard I might be travelling for work that week and also I have no money for a full week show in June hahahahahahelpmeplease. So Loudoun got crossed off the list.

And Upperville too- no full week show for me, and also Manfriend is graduating that Thursday so I’ll be cheering him on (woohoo so proud!!!).

But then my Trainer is the actual best person, and arranged for me to split a stall with someone so I can just show Saturday-Sunday at Upperville!!! We’ll do the 1.10m High class on Saturday and then the 1.15m High classic on Sunday.

Which, you guys. I am getting so mushy and emotional about. This venue was where Frankie and I competed together for the first time in June of last year, at the 0.90m and 1.0m level. And almost exactly one year later, we’re going back and we are going to totally rock that 1.15m class.

It’s not so much about the height, it’s about the confidence and partnership we’ve gained. To be able to go back to that same venue with new skills and abilities and feel that contrast. This was not even on the radar at this time last year. So yeah, I’m a squishy little ball of emotions about this right now. So unbelievably proud of my horse and grateful and UGHHHHHHH I’ll shut up about it. For now.

From there, we are tentatively looking at doing HITS in July where we will do the Highs and/or the Modified AOs (which is the 1.15m division there) and/or maybe the adult medals(?), and then it’ll be finals time in August! USEF has officially officially posted points to confirm all the sleuthing.

I’m thinking that we’ll wrap up our season at Culpeper finals- by then we will have done 3-4 out of the 6 weeks they host and maybe we’ll be in the running for circuit division points? Not going to chase that, but it would be pretty cool.

So we’ll round out our second season together that Sunday.

And I already have a plan. That Sunday, we will go do our 1.10m/1.15m class. Then the following weekend we will be finding a local show. And we will go do the pleasure division. It’s happening, guys. Trainer is already on board.

Modified AO jumper pony Sunday, pleasurific hack horse Saturday. It’s going to be perfect.

What are your summer plans??

10 thoughts on “Tentative Summer Show Schedule

  1. Tara N Tibbetts 05/12/2017 / 9:59 am

    If Sterling decides he wants to be sound (horses!) we plan to go to the 4th of the Tyler 4 at Texas Rose Horse Park. Then onto 1 or 2 of the Blue Ribbon shows at Extraco in Waco. Hot summer Texas offers zero USEF shows, but we may wander down to Great Southwest for a couple GHHJA shows in July in August. Back to Tyler and Great Southwest for fall shows, but I don’t know what I’m doing then this far in advance! I’m hoping to get my 5yo filly to some shows this summer, too. Fox hunting starts in November and I have a new horse to whip on this season so he needs some miles this summer and to ride out with hounds. Yay!


    • hellomylivia 05/12/2017 / 10:20 am

      Fingers crossed for soundness!! Sounds like you have a fantastic season ahead with the four-legged kiddos 🙂


  2. Abby F 05/12/2017 / 10:41 am

    See you at Upperville and August Culpeper (probably Sept. too). We were going to do Culpeper in July, but now the plan is tentatively 2 weeks in Vermont ( mentally preparing myself for THAT drive… show is supposed to be lovely though…)


    • hellomylivia 05/12/2017 / 1:56 pm

      Oh man Vermont is on my list- I’ve heard only great things. Hoping to make it up in 2018, you’ll have to let me know how it is!


  3. Stacie Seidman 05/12/2017 / 2:35 pm

    I love that you’re capping off all the big and exciting things with the pleasure division. That perfect pony!

    Liked by 1 person

    • hellomylivia 05/15/2017 / 8:37 am

      I get the giggles when I think of Francis bopping around like the peanut roller he truly is at heart 😀


  4. carey 05/15/2017 / 10:02 am

    You ARE going to rock the 1.15m!


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