Mini Reviews

A few new things have joined the rotation recently, and I wanted to give you the benefit of my very expert and very important opinion on them. HAH.

RJ Classics Gulf Breeches, tan, on sale for $75 from Luxe Eq

rj gulf.jpg

Remember the Great Pants Debate? This is one of the pairs I brought home. And I really really wanted to like them, guys. But I just don’t. It’s not a burning hatred, but I’m very “meh” on the fit. I’m a pretty true 26/26L, but these just fit…funky on me. The knee is SUPER tight and feels very constricting and the Euro-seat seaming digs into me and gives me LBS (Lumpy Butt Syndrome)- but the waist fits well, so I wouldn’t want to size up because then I would get GWS (Gappy Waist Syndrome). The fabric is nice, the fit just doesn’t work for me. I’m keeping them around due to my paranoia of running out of clean tan breeches at shows, but I don’t reach for these very often.

Iago Giulia Breeches, gray, on sale for $150 from Luxe Eq

This is the other pair that made the cut, and I absolutely LOVE them. The sock bottoms are super comfy, the material is sturdy but comfortable with good stretch, the leather accents on the pockets are lovely, and they make my butt look great. They’re my first pair of silicon patch breeches and I don’t notice a huge difference in the feel, but they sure do look cool. If I’m griping, these may be a little lower rise than I usually like since I have a long torso (and long everything else) and like to tuck my shirts in, but they stay put and don’t sag so it hasn’t caused any problems. Big big fan, will likely buy more of these in different colors, and a bunch of my barnmates want a pair too.

HandsOn Glove


OK so I didn’t buy this, but it showed up in the wash stall and I used it and YES LOVE. Frankie bears the dubious distinction of being the smelliest horse in the barn due to his proclivity for napping in his own urine (homeboy likes to make a huge mess in his stall, which makes it a million times worse), and he gets grimy quickly. This helped lift all the crud and gunk all the way down to his skin, and he absolutely loved the sensation as we attacked all the itchies.

BackOnTrack Saddle Pad

PC- Liz

I figured as long as we were doing injections/chiro/fixing saddle fit/etc., I may as well throw this in the mix. It’s hard to isolate what effect this has had (due to the aforementioned injections/chiro/saddle fit/etc.), but his back has definitely been less “flinchy” overall and I certainly don’t think it hurts. I like that it’s long enough to still look nice under my monstrously long saddle flaps, the profile gives great wither clearance, and I love the navy blue on Francis. I’m planning on getting the barn logo embroidered on it so it can be our show pad!

Smartpak Wellfleet Figure-8


This is another one that I didn’t technically buy- one of my awesome barn buds had this lying around and is letting us use it. Have I mentioned lately that I have the best barnmates? Took oil beautifully (and is still taking oil, that leather is THIRSTY), fits Francis beautifully, and looks really really nice on him. I think it can still darken a bit, so the oiling shall continue!

The bills for Lake Placid, Upperville, and Blue Rock are all coming due at around the same time, so I’m on a spending freeze until after I can recover a bit from show season. Next on the must-have list once I’m ready to start spending again: a new helmet! I have some ideas about what I want, but will be sure to keep you posted about my noggin protection.

10 thoughts on “Mini Reviews

  1. tntibbetts 06/01/2018 / 8:14 am

    Is it hot in VA right now? I’d like to get a BOT pad to use for schooling (I show hunters), but I’m worried it is just TOO warm for TX to use right now. Also interested to see what helmet you get. I’m going to get the new TraumaVoid helmet for fox hunting this fall (assuming it fits my dome). I have a Charles Owen for showing now and I do love it. However, my trainer insists the Samshield are much cooler and that matters in Texas!


    • hellomylivia 06/01/2018 / 8:16 am

      UGH yes it is definitely hot here. And humid. So far I’ve been only using the BOT when I ride in the mornings/at night when it’s a little cooler, but I don’t notice him getting any more sweaty than usual (he’s a pretty heavy sweater no matter what the temp is haha). I’ve had a CO for a while and it’s served me well, but I tried on a Samshield recently and HOLY MOLY huuuuuge difference in the breathability. I still want to shop around, but that’s definitely on the leaderboard for that quality alone.


  2. the_everything_pony 06/01/2018 / 10:14 am

    I’ve always wondered if the BOT pads actually DO something, but everyone who has them loves them. I’ve been wondering if I should get one to help Amber’s back as we rehab further but I dunno I just haven’t ever really been sure if it works lol Yeah helmets are hard! I tried on a IRH helmet and adored the fit – I just get worried about the heat and how much air flow it has!


    • hellomylivia 06/01/2018 / 10:17 am

      I can’t really tell what effect it has since we did so many other things at the same time, but if nothing else it definitely looks nice on Frankie!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Tracy 06/01/2018 / 11:26 am

    So sad that the RJ’s don’t fit you well — they’re my new favorite!


    • hellomylivia 06/01/2018 / 4:09 pm

      I was so bummed, I had only heard glowing things about them!


  4. uncanny580 06/02/2018 / 12:06 pm

    The original fit of the RJ’s was definietely better. I have 3 pairs and the first two are awesome, the third pair, which I still love, have a much slimmer lower leg which makes them hard to get on and a bit of a funky waist !


    • hellomylivia 06/04/2018 / 7:02 am

      I used to have a pair of RJs that I loved, but the proportions on these are just not quite right for me 😦


  5. Stacie Seidman 06/04/2018 / 2:28 pm

    LOVE the Iago breeches. I have a pair on my wish list.
    We are big hands on glove lovers at my barn too. Every pony likes them, even Romey who hated being touched.
    I just got some Back On Track baby pads, but unfortunately, they arrived just as Jampy went on vacation. Eventually I’ll use them though!


    • hellomylivia 06/05/2018 / 7:15 am

      10/10, DEFINITELY recommend the Iagos. I’m already itching for another pair, it turns out my butt likes French saddles and Italian pants 😉


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