Sore and Ready

I wasn’t planning on blogging before heading out to Ohio, but I just had the most motivating session with my trainers and I have to share with all y’all.

The best way I can think of to sum it up is as follows:

Learning how to ride is kinda hard.
Learning how to ride WELL is super freakin’ hard.
Learning how to ride in a way that shows nuance and expertise is EXPONENTIALLY HARDER THAN ALL OF THAT.

As I had mentioned, Assistant Trainer and I set up a time for me to watch her ride Frankie and then have me hop on for some coaching on replicating that ride. It ended up being about 30 minutes of AT riding with constant commentary (mad respect for being able to multitask like that) and then 30 minutes of me working with Francis- and I could barely keep track of my limbs, let alone speak.

First off- Frankie looked AMAZING with AT. I’m such a visual learner and getting to see what kind of work he is capable of makes me that much more confident and excited about achieving it with him myself. I wish I had video to show you, but I was too wrapped up in listening and watching.

Some of the key takeaways that AT shared throughout both her ride and mine:

  • Walking needs to be powerful and forward. While warming up we’re not at all worried about where his head is- we are entirely focused on getting him moving off the leg and pushing powerfully from behind. Insisting on straightness- no wiggling out of a powerful forward walk.
  • A good way to encourage him to open up his stride more at the walk is alternating leg aids- cue with my left heel as he’s about to pick up his left hind, right heel for right hind, etc. Getting him more sensitive to my cues will help make this more effective at encouraging the activity from behind.
  • The contact on the outside rein needs to be steady- it does not need to be heavy, but it does need to be consistently present at all times. Test his self-carriage often by releasing the inside rein. He should not change pace or the shape of his body.
  • Stretch breaks are good, but that doesn’t mean throwing away the work. He is never allowed to grab the reins out of my hands- when I like what he is doing, I can feed the reins to him and encourage the stretch down. Part of working the most effectively with him is timing our breaks to be just as much of a training tool as the active work.
  • Insist more. Frankie is a well-trained, athletic, fancy horse- if I stick to my guns and continue asking, he will give me correct work. I can’t get lazy or he will get lazy. This doesn’t mean that he can’t do the work, it just means that I have to keep supporting and encouraging the right answer.
  • No more calling him a llama. The language we use matters, so we are only allowed to call him a fancy shmancy show horse. My new go-to is gonna be FancyPants Francis, but I’m open to other posh nicknames for the big guy.
  • Carrying himself properly is really hard work, and we can’t expect him to do it all the time quite yet. At the same time, we need to ask for it a little more every time so that we build that strength and build that muscle memory for him. He lets us know that he’s tired by getting strung out or trying to break- that’s when it’s on us to work really hard to support him for another half-lap or so to push just a liiiiittle bit more. Not enough to fatigue him, just enough to push a little harder than last time.
  • Drop my stirrups as often as needed. Especially when working at the sitting trot, go ahead and drop my stirrups so I can wrap around his barrel and get him super active to my leg. As he gets stronger and learns more self-carriage, that trot is getting a lot bouncier, but his back is also getting rounder and softer so sitting is getting easier.
  • At all times: straightness. Keep a major focus on where his hips are- is he trying to slide them to the inside or outside? Stay very vigilant about keeping his whole body on one smooth track unless explicitly asking for lateral movements. Keeping a steady outside rein will mostly take care of his shoulders, but let hands go wide if he needs some help finding that center track for his front half.
  • Don’t ride his head. When we are pushing powerfully from behind, we’re straight through his body, I have a steady contact on the outside rein, and am half-halting from my seat and inside rein, he will be poll-high and in the bridle. The goal is not a false headset- it’s that he’s so strong and soft through his body that he is pushed up into the bridle. If he gets too high- add more leg. If he gets too low- half-halt from my seat.
  • Almost think to counter-bend through the end of the ring. Frankie is happy to pretzel into a false bend and that is not productive. Keep that strong outside rein (notice a pattern yet?) and use my outside leg to keep his haunches on a smooth track through the turns.
  • When coming down to a walk, no plopping. He must continue forward on the contact. Do not feed him the reins until he is giving me the walk I want.

And this isn’t even everything- just the high level recap. It was mentally and physically a hugely demanding session- I was getting feedback on what to tweak with literally every single stride.

I basically rode in circles for 30 minutes, and my legs are about to fall off. All of this was hard. My brain felt like a hamster on a wheel trying to put all of these pieces together, my legs are like cooked noodles from the sheer intensity of the workout, and I’m still heavily ruminating on all the work we did.

None of these things are new concepts, it all basically boils down to inside leg to outside rein. It’s just the timing and subtlety of these aids that is some next-level work. AT assures me that with enough practice, these cues and their timing will become as automatic as keeping my heels down- I’m pretty sure it’ll take a good long time to get to that point but I’m hopeful.

Trainer was there as well so I had both her and AT working with us. Talk about intense. She told me that she’s not as fixated on my position so much anymore- there are certainly always going to be things to fix and improve upon, but she knows I know the job. Our focus now is on being the most effective rider I can be. In her words, “this is the difference between coming out to the barn to ride, and coming out to train. It’s time to train.”

So now I am incredibly sore and incredibly motivated. It feels like we’re really kicking it into a whole new gear and I couldn’t be more excited to get to work with my FancyPants pony.


22 thoughts on “Sore and Ready

  1. t 02/12/2018 / 12:10 pm

    So many great tips. I need to stop with the llama calling and embrace a fancy pants name for Bridget:)


  2. Amanda C 02/12/2018 / 2:04 pm

    This is like… every dressage ride for me. SO HARD.


  3. the_everything_pony 02/12/2018 / 2:44 pm

    Those are all super points! I know those sessions are crazy lol. They are soooo good though, and definitely leave us motivated to get to it. Thanks for the post!


  4. Bette 02/12/2018 / 3:21 pm

    I love lessons where you leave feeling like you did something and walk away slightly sore from good riding 🙂 And thats a great quote from your trainer about riding vs training. Bring it on! Have fun at WEC!!!


    • hellomylivia 02/12/2018 / 3:47 pm

      It’s the most satisfyingly sore I’ve been in a long time 🙂


  5. Stacie Seidman 02/12/2018 / 10:45 pm

    But I mean… you use Llama lovingly…
    Kidding aside, all great things to think about. It will be automatic faster than you expect I’m sure. You’re a hard worker, and Fantastic Frankie is a quick learner too!


    • hellomylivia 02/13/2018 / 9:02 am

      Thank goodness he’s a quick learner, and so patient with me while I catch up!


  6. roamingridersite 02/13/2018 / 7:52 am

    That is a really good point about calling Frankie a fancy horse. I tend to talk Gem down a bit and should stop. Self fulfilling prophecy and all that. Good luck and go kick some butt!


    • hellomylivia 02/13/2018 / 9:02 am

      That’s exactly what my trainer said, that it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy! Hopefully the good vibes we’re putting out there will set us up for an awesome show 🙂


  7. jkberger1006 02/13/2018 / 9:14 am

    So many awesome points. I loved reading the highlights–so many things I’m working on as well. I love those kinds of lessons. And-have a great time at WEC. We were there last year-so much fun!


    • hellomylivia 02/13/2018 / 9:15 am

      It helps me so much to write it down, I’m glad you liked! And omg yes so excited for WEC, I’ve heard so many good things!!!


  8. Genny - A Gift Horse Blog 02/13/2018 / 10:19 pm

    Whenever my trainer would hop on mine, even for a second, I really have to resist whipping out something to take notes on. So fun that you guys are really getting into the fancy stuff 🙂


  9. Liz 02/14/2018 / 6:46 am

    It sounds like the most satisfying legs-falling-off feeling ever though! So many wonderful points. Riding is fucking hard lol


  10. Rachel - For Want of a Horse 02/15/2018 / 11:32 am

    I recently had an interesting technique suggested to me by our assistant trainer to keep your leg on your horse. Take your feet out of the stirrups, move your leg in front of the stirrup, and place your heel in the stirrup. I thought it sounded SO odd but man does it make you keep your lower leg in place as you post. It also really forces you to keep your heels down or else you lose your stirrup.


  11. Emily 02/16/2018 / 1:06 pm

    Totally random question, where did you get that breastplate? Looking for something that attaches to the sides (instead of the saddle Ds) for May.


      • Emily 02/16/2018 / 1:08 pm

        thanks! I had been eyeing that one but didn’t know anyone who actually owned one. It has to be able to stand up to abuse 😂


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