Frankie Updates!

It’s still kinda hard to believe that I own a horse. And not only that I own a horse, but that I own THIS horse. I’m not sure what I’ve done to deserve him- did I stop Jesus from tripping over a tree root in a previous life, maybe?- but I’m not gonna question it too much.

He’s been home with us for almost a week now and has settled in like he’s been here forever. He goes out with a group of geldings that he gets along with wonderfully, we’ve ridden in the indoor, outdoor, and all over the property, we’ve spent time in both barns, and he has handled it all with the same relaxed curiosity I noticed in him when we first met.

His main question seems to be “Is this a thing I can eat?”

I have to thank whoever owned him before me- this horse has been loved. He has not felt tense or anxious at all in any of the situations we’ve been in over the last few days. He certainly takes a look at new things, but has shown a remarkable trust in me and has done every single thing I’ve asked him to without hesitation.

Including the endless selfies. This is the face of a horse that is humoring me.

He’s quite different from Addy so I’m definitely still adjusting to his style of ride! He’s been very patient with me as I work some new muscles and figure out how to rate his stride properly. He’s shown that he’s willing to wait to the base as long as I’m not leaning up his neck (bad habit confession), and with every ride I get a better feel for his pace! He’s tolerant enough to handle my ammy mistakes, but when I manage to get my life in order and ride properly he gives me WONDERFUL work. Basically the best combo: he’ll jump the jump no matter what, but if I give him a good ride he’ll give me a great ride.

Handling him on the ground has been super easy too. He LOVES being loved on! He’ll stand in the crossties for hours if it means he’s getting attention. He does tend to get a bit mouthy when he thinks I have treats- he hasn’t tried to take a nibble yet, but he does get a little pushy. Now he only gets treats when he’s NOT mooching. Other than that (very) minor thing, he’s a perfect gentleman to lead, tack up, groom, and spend time with!

Do you even see how shiny he is?!?!?!

I’ve also managed to finish up my shopping list- all we’re waiting on now is my order from Riding Warehouse to come in! I have a few bills to pay off, but it looks like the river of cash is slowly adjusting to our basic monthly expenses. Which still gives me a bit of a panic attack, but at least it’s not, you know, BUYING A HORSE. The only thing left to figure out is saddle fit. My beautiful saddle that I’m in love with and fits me perfectly does NOT fit Frankie well. I’ll be talking to the saddle rep to see if this is something we can adjust, or if I may need to trade in for a new saddle. For now, I’ve got a shimmed half-pad to keep his back comfy.


We’ve got another lesson on Wednesday and I can’t wait to share how it goes! In the meantime, you can check out my Instagram (@hellomylivia) for videos and pics of Frankie being handsome!

PS- In a funny full-circle twist of fate, Frankie is wearing my old gelding’s halter. I was going to swap out the nameplate, but it’s kinda a nice homage to the bay gelding that taught me as a junior. My new bay gelding doesn’t seem to mind too much.

15 thoughts on “Frankie Updates!

  1. carey 04/04/2016 / 1:15 pm

    Aw, you look so happy in those selfies! Glad it going so well for you two!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Stacie Seidman 04/04/2016 / 2:16 pm

    Love this happy update! Also, if the shimmed pad makes the saddle work, I would stick with that!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Erin 04/05/2016 / 11:02 am

    So glad he’s settled in so well. He sounds like a real character. I hope you have a lot of fun with him.


    • hellomylivia 04/05/2016 / 12:42 pm

      He’s a blast! And I know we’re just gonna keep having fun 🙂


  4. nicolemichellehill 05/12/2016 / 6:38 pm

    Congratulations! You two look like you are enjoying eachother so much!! I recently got back into riding and i am SO happy I did! I can not wait to have one of my own 🙂


    • hellomylivia 05/12/2016 / 6:56 pm

      Thank you, we are having a BLAST! Welcome to the re-riders club, we have wine 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • nicolemichellehill 05/12/2016 / 7:01 pm

        Ah yes we do haha….I love wine 😉 I actually have been riding this certain horse a lot through catch rides and I am so in love. Breaks my heart that I can’t scoop him up. Keeping my fingers crossed lol


      • hellomylivia 05/12/2016 / 7:03 pm

        I was in the same situation with my half-lease for over a year! Things have a way of working out for the best ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

      • nicolemichellehill 05/12/2016 / 7:04 pm

        Oh that gives me hope. Thank you!!

        Liked by 1 person

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