Family Photos 2023

Wrangling an energetic toddler, a muppet of an overgrown dog, and an in-your-pocket horse, along with an ever-patient husband and my HAIR deflating in the HUMIDITY, all while it was getting dark, and starting to rain: does not sound like the best set up for a family photo shoot.

But my friend Amy of Mosaic Photograph is just that much of a wizard. Not only did we get some incredibly priceless photos, but she actually somehow made it fun. Despite the toddler crawling under the horse and riding the dog, the horse trying to eat the dog, the weather and the heat and the crazy – we had a blast with her. She took our family photos for us 2 years ago, and I am teary-eyed that we got to update with our girl as she grows.

Without further ado, some of my favorites:

My angel boy ❤
So important to check Maggie’s teeth. 10 points to Meegz for never caring about Lina’s daily exploration of the ENT field.
Much like her mother, this child is a stage 5 clinger and demands constant hugs and smooches. I am extremely happy to oblige.
I adore my little family more than words can say. How blessed am I to have the world’s best horse, world’s best pup, world’s best daughter, and world’s best husband? Not sure how it happened, but I sure am grateful.
Oh Francis. Oh my Francis. My absolute heart. The most trustworthy, kind, brave, big-hearted animal.
Not pictured: us yelling WATCH OUT FOR HORSE DOODLES as she ran through the field

Of course we have so many other photos that I am eagerly framing and gifting to family members, but those show Lina’s face and that’s a boundary we have around sharing her online.

If you are in the northern VA area, I cannot say enough good things about Amy. She is creative, she is kind, she bent over backwards to get the shots, she knows how to wrangle different species, she is simply a wonderfully talented and hardworking photographer and I am so proud to call her a friend.

3 thoughts on “Family Photos 2023

  1. Stacie 08/15/2023 / 8:32 pm

    These are so beautiful! Love your outfits! And how perfectly perfect your four legged kiddos are with your little.


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