Frankie’s New House

As you may recall, we were put in a fairly difficult position recently: my trainer had 30 days to find a new location for her clients, as the barn owners are leasing out the facility and needed everyone gone. This hypothetical new location had to have the amenities we’re all used to, at a price point we could stomach, in a location we were all able to get to, and have immediate stalls available for a good number of horses.

Seems pretty impossible. I asked my trainer if it was time to panic, and she told me no. She would tell me when it was time to panic.

And in true Terri fashion, she managed to find an absolutely wonderful place with no panic needed. We’ve moved in to a privately owned barn in a fabulous location, with great turnout, attentive care, a big indoor and outdoor, and an overall beautiful facility! It’s just the owner’s horses and us, and Terri knows the owner as a past HQC winner. It really checks all the boxes and more.

It ain’t ugly

In true Frankie fashion, he has already completely settled right in. The owner/manager has dubbed his snoring “adorable,” so I obviously already love her. She’s got great taste.

It’s really a shame it takes him so long to settle in at new places. Total anxiety stress ball, this one.

While the care and facilities were very good at our last place, I can’t say that I’m upset about the move. That property had some very undergrazed pastures due to years of disuse before the current owner took over, and Frankie had some pretty unpleasant ongoing allergies. No one did anything wrong and it’s still a great place, but I’m perfectly happy to move him elsewhere. The fields here look quite nice, in the middle of rolling Virginia horse country. He’ll get his two favorite things: food and friends.

Yes I got this from a past real estate listing, yes I am a stalker

As a bonus? This place is about 35 minutes from my house instead of 55. Obviously Frankie is on lease so I’m not at the barn that often, but I’m very excited to be able to stop by for a visit with Lina much more easily.

A little Francisco update: he moved his lease kid up to the 0.90m height this past weekend and they did fabulously (he’s been seen counting strides for her once the buzzer goes off, much as he’s always done for me). She’s enjoying all three rings with him, and is even planning on doing a derby at her next show. He’s quite content to be adored and praised for being so good at his job, and his coat and muscling is fantastic. I do miss my saddle time with him so very much, but it’s a different kind of happiness seeing him thrive in this teacher job.

His little summer dapples!!!

Cheers to new homes and more frequent opportunities for snuggles!

6 thoughts on “Frankie’s New House

  1. TNT 08/03/2023 / 8:55 am

    That facility is stunning! I’m literally green with envy as everything in Texas is SO hot and charred right now. Kudos to trainer for finding a great location and for having great connections! It certainly pays to be a kind human being in the long run!


    • Olivia Pechstein 08/03/2023 / 9:03 am

      After a brutal July, August is surprisingly looking pretty pleasant around here. So so glad for the network of great people that helped make this move happen!!


  2. Stacie Seidman 08/03/2023 / 7:03 pm

    It looks beautiful! So glad all worked out for you guys! And how extra wonderful that it’s so much closer!
    I love the sleeping Frankie photos. He’s too much!


    • Olivia Pechstein 08/04/2023 / 8:25 am

      I’m so so thrilled I’ll be able to swing by so much more easily, and I know Lina will be happy for more barn time too šŸ™‚


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