Chugging Along

I wish I had something super exciting to share with you, but things are pretty quiet over here!

By quiet I mean that work is very busy but manageably so, school is interesting and fun and not nearly as time-consuming as I had feared, I’ve been spending some wonderful time with friends, and Francis continues to be the World’s Best Horse(TM) at all times forever.

I guess by quiet I actually mean it’s not even a little bit quiet, but it’s been really nice finding a new equilibrium for myself.

I’m now about 5 weeks into my first 7-week term, and I continue to love being a student. Even the dreaded group projects have been great, as I hooked up with 3 other fantastic people who are smart and interesting and great to work with. We share pictures of our dogs every day (we all agreed that Frankie counts as a giant dog) and it’s been a pleasure getting to know them and work with them!

Everyone needs to see this picture of Francis being the most precious snoozler

On the home front, I bit the bullet and hired a cleaning service to come into our house once a month. So far it has been worth every single penny for peace of mind. Could I just do it myself? Absolutely. But with work and school and the barn and other commitments piling on, I want to be able to just enjoy my limited free time at home with my husband without worrying about chores. It took a major source of stress off the table entirely! I don’t know that it’s something we’ll continue once I finish school and my schedule opens up a bit, but for now it’s some very welcome help.

On the random personal front, I finally got that haircut I’ve been talking about! I told you all how much I hated that super long braid coming out of my helmet, so I went ahead and chopped it all off. My only regret is that I didn’t do this sooner bc OMG I LOVE MY NEW HAIRCUT SO MUCH. Seriously, I feel twenty pounds lighter and a million times better.

I’m not so great at selfies but I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER

On to the star of the show: Frankie continues to be a steady rock of wonderfulness, sharing his happiness every day. He recently accidentally got a week off – between school, work, sickness, and my trainers being gone at a show, he missed his training rides and I didn’t make it out – but I didn’t even find this out until after I hopped on and he was absolutely perfect. He’s constantly re-winning the Best Ammy Horse Ever Award. I can almost see my reflection in his coat right now from the shine, he has little dapples peaking out, and is just looking beautiful right now. I know soon enough he’ll get sunbleached and faded so I’m enjoying that spring coat while it lasts!

The lighting isn’t great but just look how handsome he is!!! I just can’t stand it.

We have a show coming up later this month and I’m feeling great about it! We’re planning to do a mishmash of things – some Low Adult jumper classes, some adult eq classes, and if the weather holds and they run it outside I’ll do the hunter derby with him too. We’re not trying to qualify for things, we’re not trying to get the jumps higher, we’re just planning to go out there and have fun doing some different work together. I’m incredibly excited to go play with my best boy!

So there you have it. Things are busy, but a good busy, and I’m thoroughly enjoying this stage of life. Hoping to rope a friend into videoing some rides soon so I can have some media to share though – I realized I don’t have any record of me jumping my horse since last year!! I pinky promise that we’ve actually been doing work and he’s been awesome at it. Can’t wait to share when we have something 🙂

19 thoughts on “Chugging Along

  1. AMC 05/07/2019 / 7:40 am

    Love the hair! Glad school is manageable so far too. I bet group projects and stuff will be much more tolerable since business school students are probably super motivated! I’m pretty sure they are why I never graduated 😂


    • hellomylivia 05/07/2019 / 8:56 am

      So far the group projects have been SO much easier than I remember from undergrad! I think it helps that everyone has work and lives to balance too, so everyone has been great about getting ahead on things and staying flexible.


  2. lauracoburn1111 05/07/2019 / 7:59 am

    Love the hair cut!! Glad to hear things are chugging along as they should!


  3. Emily 05/07/2019 / 8:18 am

    Ahahaha congrats on the wifey cut. 😉 I did the same thing. My hair was SUPER LONG for my wedding, and then I cut it all off and… I dont know if I will ever got back to LONG hair. Especially in the summer.

    Also – I am oddly jealous of you going back to school. If it wasn’t so expensive, I would find time to be a student again. Maybe one day.


    • hellomylivia 05/07/2019 / 8:58 am

      I go through cycles every 3 years or so of growing my hair out to an absurd length, then chopping it all off hahaha. This time though, I think it may stick because it’s SUCH a relief!
      Honestly I was a bit nervous going in, but it turns out I really missed being a student too. I told my husband that even once I’m done with the program, I’d like to continue taking classes in one form or another, just to stay in that mindset!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. the_everything_pony 05/07/2019 / 8:29 am

    Love the new haircut! Looks awesome! My hair was as long as yours before I cut it and yeah – never going back. You also don’t realize how horrible your hair made you feel – I got so many headaches cause my hair was so heavy and I didn’t even know that’s what it was! So my hair will be short. It’s also so much easier to maintain lol.


    • hellomylivia 05/07/2019 / 8:58 am

      Yes I hated the heavy hair headaches!!! It’s so so so much easier to style now and it’s so light and UGH SO MUCH BETTER

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Stacie Seidman 05/07/2019 / 9:10 am

    The nice thing about graduate programs, is that most people are there because they want to be. DEFINITELY makes that dreaded group work a lot better! I’m so happy everything is going well over there! The hair is gorgeous! Love it!
    Hiring a house cleaner was the best decision I ever made. I really hate cleaning the house. I think maybe because I spend so much time sweeping and cleaning the barn, I just don’t want to do that again for myself? I dunno. Definitely money well spent.
    And lastly, I can’t wait to hear about this horse show! You and Frankie will have so much fun!


    • hellomylivia 05/07/2019 / 12:17 pm

      Yes it makes such a difference that we’ve all actually CHOSEN to do this instead of just going because someone told us to haha


  6. Liz 05/07/2019 / 9:40 am

    A cleaning person sounds like heaven. I will probably invest in one for all of the same reasons one day.

    And your hair! I love it! I bet it feels absolutely incredible. And now, just seeing it and hearing your praise for it makes me want to cut mine LOL


    • hellomylivia 05/07/2019 / 12:18 pm

      I held out for a while, but I have zero regrets about outsourcing that chore. It makes it SO much easier to take a deep breath and actually enjoy the (very little) free time we have together.


  7. Britt 05/07/2019 / 10:48 am

    Your horse is adorable! Love it. Also- a cleaning service changed our lives- for real, it’s amazing to not have that task to consider, even if it is a cost it’s a luxury.


  8. Rachel - For Want of a Horse 05/09/2019 / 7:45 am

    LOVE the hair!!! Also, don’t apologize for getting a cleaning service! I have no idea how you do it all. I have my regular job, the horses, a crazy hyper dog who needs a lot of attention and exercise, and now I started a custom equestrian belt making business. It is hard for me to keep up and it is just me in my house making it messy!


    • hellomylivia 05/09/2019 / 7:47 am

      I swear this cleaning service is already life changing haha. I can clean up after myself ok, but adding a big burly husband into the mix definitely made it harder!


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