GushFest 2018

You guys. It’s time.

It’s been a solid 6 months. And you know what that means.

It’s time for Francis GushFest 2018 (Q2).



Like he’s a total turdblossom at feeding time, and sometimes it’s hard to muck his stall because #NapKing doesn’t want to stand up, and he likes to play Bitey-Face out in the field, and sometimes he twists his body over the jumps so he doesn’t have to work as hard. So clearly he isn’t perfect.

But he’s so dang cool, day after day after day.

Blerp PC- Liz

He’s the most fun ever to play with on the ground. He’s so inquisitive and happy and content and radiates that sense of calm curiosity. He’s pretty sure everyone loves him and he loves to make new friends- who coincidentally always love him. He makes funny faces for the camera and gives me the stretchy moose lips when we scratch in juuuuust the right spot. He offers to groom me back because that’s the polite thing to do.

He thinks baseball hats are very fun toys, and is always always always game for some face scratches and snuggles (Towel Time behind the ears especially is the Bestest Ever). But I can also trust him to stand calmly on the crossties for as long as I need to get ready and situated. He’s happy to chill. He will bend over backwards if it means he gets ear rubs- even when I’m on him, he’ll turn his head back for ear rubs when he knows he did a good job.

Mahm. Scritches. Thnks. PC- Liz

And then under saddle. Man oh man.

He’s the best kind of teacher- the kind who doesn’t get upset when I make mistakes, but also doesn’t give me anything for free either. I can ask for something the wrong way a million times and he’ll just keep trucking until I ask correctly, and then he rewards me with prompt obedience. He works exactly as hard as I do. It’s a true partnership of give and take and give some more.

There’s so much trust. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around us, what the jumps look like, where we are- I have 100% faith that he’s going to show up to work. And he has trust that I’ll do right by him. I may not set him up perfectly to every jump and I may make mistakes with my aids, but he knows I’ll do my best to stay out of his way and that we get lots of pats and scratches and down time after we work. And so he goes to work happily every single time.

So proud of himself for a job well done.

And as we’ve both learned and gained some measure of subtlety, dangit we have so much fun. He knows the game and needs less help from me on a basic level, but looks for more input on a tactical level. We can plan for the inside turn (blasting up to oxers off a short turn is his new power move) and moving my shoulders forward and back is like a magic lever to his stride length. He’s super fast without feeling like we’re racing at any point, so we’re competitive without the pace being intimidating.


He’s my absolute favorite horse that I’ve ever ridden by such a long shot. No matter how my day was, no matter how nervous I may be, as soon as my feet are in the stirrups I am happy.

His quiet partnership has given me the confidence to dream bigger, try new things, gain comfort in my leadership skills, led me to new friendships, and is such a bright light in my life. I don’t have adequate words for how special he really is and how much he means to me.

My best buddy. PC- Liz

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a lot of sweat and mud and work and setbacks and triumphs and the whole range therein. He just makes it all a joy.

PC- Tracy

12 thoughts on “GushFest 2018

  1. Tracy 05/23/2018 / 7:51 am

    I just love you two together. That is all ❤


  2. Avery 05/23/2018 / 8:06 am

    ❤ I love your gush fests! He is worth of the gushing!


  3. Emily 05/23/2018 / 9:54 am

    Just ❤ lots and lots of ❤


  4. Stacie Seidman 05/23/2018 / 10:32 am

    I love you and Frankie. The most perfect match! So glad you found each other!


  5. the_everything_pony 05/23/2018 / 10:38 am

    Awww!! Sweet Frankfurter!! It’s okay – all of us equestrians (maybe it’s just me but I don’t think so 😉 lol) LOVE to hear everyone gush about their ponies. It’s just a horse person thing :).


  6. Centered in the Saddle 05/23/2018 / 12:06 pm

    I think you should give yourself credit for creating the environment for Frankie to blossom into the kind of horse who is happy to show up to work every day. ❤


  7. carey 05/23/2018 / 1:04 pm

    I was just saying this exact thing about Cosmo to someone yesterday:
    “He’s the best kind of teacher- the kind who doesn’t get upset when I make mistakes, but also doesn’t give me anything for free either. I can ask for something the wrong way a million times and he’ll just keep trucking until I ask correctly, and then he rewards me with prompt obedience. He works exactly as hard as I do. It’s a true partnership of give and take and give some more.”

    Sorry to cut into your gushfest for a short one of my own. You are right tho, Frankie is awesome. It’s good to gush a bit and acknowledge the good, I tend to get stuck int he middle of our current struggle and forget how great a horse I have. When you gush about Frankie it reminds me of what I love about Cosmo. So keep on keeping on with the gushing!!


  8. T 05/23/2018 / 2:47 pm

    Love the gush fest! You two are such a good team!


  9. eventerinprogress 05/23/2018 / 4:46 pm

    I love this, you’re a beautiful team and every picture just oozes genuine happiness


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