A Day in the Life of a Frankfurter

Stealing this idea for content from L!

A little picture into what life looks like for the Big Man.

7-7:30a: Come in from turnout to eat breakfast- grain and hay.
7:30a-12p: Nap. Drink some water. Bother the people cleaning his stall. Nap more.

12p: Enjoy some more lunchtime hay, since he’s managed to hoover up most of his.
12-3:30p: Nap more. Flat out on the side. Naps 4 dayz. Slop some hay into the water buckets for a change of pace.

3:30-4p: Eat dinner grain, then go outside with his buddy Nolan.
4pm-7am: Eat more, play with Nolan, sleep some, ruin blankets, play more.



On days I show up, he gets to hang out in his stall after dinner for a bit:

3:30-6p: Digest dinner, eat more hay, stare out the window.
6-7p: Get scratchies/groomies/tacked up.
7-8p: Go for a ride. Sometimes a little earlier if traffic allows. Lessons are a full hour, other rides usually are a little shorter.
8-8:30p: Groomies, rinsing when weather permits, more scratchies. Then outside with Nolan again.

Around November we’ll switch the horses to daytime turnout, which means they’ll get turned out after breakfast and come inside for the night at dinner time.

Frankie will only stay in when weather forces it- a real downpour, temps extremely low, thunderstorms, things like that. He’ll still go out in a drizzle, and I love that he gets solid playtime every day along with social time with his little herd. Yes, he comes in with dings and scrapes sometimes from playing too hard, but I figure horses will manage to hurt themselves no matter what, and this way he at least gets plenty of benefit out of it.

And of course on the weekends, I go during the day and rudely interrupt Frankie’s naptime. I’m a mean mom.


Pretty much our whole schedule revolves around naps. Hey, it’s hard work being such an awesome pony!

6 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of a Frankfurter

    • hellomylivia 10/20/2017 / 9:57 am

      He is the Nap Champion of the World. No one naps quite like that horse.


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